DIAMONDS is a Generic Data Management and Data Integration Platform for the Life Sciences developed by TNO. DIAMONDS, has a broad scope and is used by many and very diverse Life Science projects. From estimating the Toxicity of Compounds, Safety Assessment of Targets, Allergenicity of Proteins up to Modelling Health parameters and providing Personalized Nutritional and Lifestyle Advice.

DIAMONDS brings together Data, Knowledge and Algorithms. Data ranges from Clinical studies and Omics data to Personalized Health data. Traceable from original Raw measurements to Cleaned, Processed data ready to use. Knowledge ranges from Biological Knowledge from Curated databases and Textmining to manually Curated Triples from our Experts. All captured and connected to Source information through Standardized Pipelines and Workflows Protocols. Diverse tools and algorithms such as Statistical tools, Text mining methods, Scripts, Decision Trees, Bayesian/Dynamic Networks and Network Visualization.
There are many different types of users that may experience different benefits from the DIAMONDS platform.
If you are a public user you will gradually see scientific tools/databases and demonstrators become available that are ready to be shared with the public. Think about a tool to find risk management measures (ECEL 3.0) or a demonstrator tool to find toxicity information for certain compounds or groups of compounds (Cefic LRi AIMT4). The amount of content that is freely available for the public is a bit limited now as we are focussing on the development of these tools, but this functionality is intended to grow in the coming years.
If you are a user with a specific license you will have online access to particular tools, projects or modules on the DIAMONDS platform in addition to the content available to the public.
Often when collaborating with TNO or when involved in the development with TNO of new functionality, you will be granted (early) access to specific tools, projects or modules as well.
DIAMONDS is a single platform that supports multiple projects. Each project consists of one or more modules. Each module provides a specific piece of functionality such as a specific tool or capturing a specific type of information. For example, a publication module captures all information related to publications, allowing you to search publications and to see what information is known about that publication. Two projects that both use the publication module will see their own set of publications (some of which may be shared). Users may have access to one or more projects. This generic management structure allows us to easily create new projects with their own set of users, which together will experience their own content and functionality suited for that project.
This website showcases a few projects running on the DIAMONDS platform, but they represent just the tip of the iceberg. TNO aims to capture all Data, Knowledge and Algorithms from the entire Unit Healthy Living. Feel free to get into contact with TNO to learn more about DIAMONDS or one of its projects.