A GENERIC DATA MANAGEMENT AND INTEGRATION PLATFORM FOR THE LIFE SCIENCESDIAMONDS brings together Data, Knowledge and Algorithms. Data ranges from Clinical studies and Omics data to Personalized Health data. Traceable from original Raw measurements to Cleaned, Processed data ready to use. Knowledge ranges from Biological Knowledge from Curated databases and Textmining to manually Curated Triples from our Experts. All captured and connected to Source information through Standardized Pipelines and Workflows Protocols. Diverse tools and algorithms such as Statistical tools, Text mining methods, Scripts, Decision Trees, Bayesian/Dynamic Networks and Network Visualization.
DIAMONDS highlights
Summary of highlighted projects and modules in DIAMONDS

The HARMLESS project aims to develop a Decision Support System for Safe-by-Design for complex nano-materials and high-aspect ratio nano-materials.
Read more about "harmless ssbd-dss"GRIP

GRIP (Guarding Robot Interaction Performance) is een RI&E die specifiek is gericht op mens-machine-interactie en diverse eisen uit de machineverordening. Via een gestructureerde vragenlijst worden allerlei aspecten van veiligheidsrisico’s en beheersmaatregelen nagelopen. Daarbij wordt gekeken naar technische factoren, de factor mens en de factor omgeving.
Read more about "grip"AMEA 2.1 - Advanced Material Earliest Assessment

AMEA 2.1 is an online tool, developed by HARMLESS, that helps industry by means of three simple questions with their Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) choices for advanced materials (AdMa) in the earliest phases of innovation.
Read more about "amea 2.1 - advanced material earliest assessment"TRAAC

The TRAAC framework is developed to quantify the readiness of different tools and methods towards their wider regulatory acceptance and downstream use by different stakeholders. The framework diagnoses barriers which hinder regulatory acceptance and wider usability of a tool/method. It is based on their Transparency, Reliability, Accessibility, Applicability and Completeness (TRAAC).
Read more about "traac"